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Fine Art Canvas Print / Wall Mural

Prints are produced on state-of-the-art Epson printers, using 380g professional 100% cotton acid-free artist canvas. (All prints larger than 160cm on the shortest dimension will be printed on high quality, 100% synthetic artists canvas). We uses Eco-solvent ink and prints are water, scratch, mould and fade resistant. They are easily cleaned with the use of a soft cloth and are suitable for all environments including high temperature and humidity. Prints can be framed or used as a wall mural.

 stretched canvas print

Stretched Canvas Print

We use premium Australian pine wood for our stretcher bar and the stretched canvas is 4.2cm in depth with an elegant gallery style.  By default we will wrap with a black border if you need to wrap with image on the order, please note it down when you check out or simply email us your request.

Floating Framed and Stretched Canvas Print

Prints are custom stretched and framed at Melbourne where every piece is cut and assembled by hand, to ensure the highest quality finish.

The Australian Oak floating frame (also know as a box or shadow frame) is approximately 5.5 cm in depth. We have black and oak colors to choose from.  For other framing options please contact for a quote.


Framed prints generally ship within 8-12 business days. Prints are shipped in durable cardboard packaging, with the framed print isolated from the packaging edges by shock absorbing, foam cell corner protectors.  We fully guarantee your print during the shipping process, so if it arrives in a less than acceptable condition, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Image Enhancement

You will need image enhancement service if your image resolution is not meeting our printing requirement for the size your choose. We need minimal 10 Megapixels
(3888 x 2592 pixels) for 180cm * 110cm print.

Luckily our cutting edge imaging enhance technology can enhance your image resolution up to 30 times and improve the printing quality dramatically. 

Installation kit