print stretched on timber floating frame

Melbourne made. Shipping Australia wide.

Fine Art Canvas Print

Linen Canvas Print 380g Our prints are produced on fine-art printers, using professional 100% acid-free canvas. We use Eco-solvent ink and our prints are water, scratch, mold and fade resistant. They can be easily cleaned with the use of a soft cloth and are suitable for all environments including those with high temperature and humidity. Prints can be framed or used as a wall mural. We use professional linen canvas (380g) for size under 1.6cm (short end) and professional synthetic canvas for the sizes above . 

Stretched Canvas 

We use premium Australian plantation pine for our stretcher bar. The stretched canvas has a finished depth of 4.2cm.  By default we wrap in gallery style,  which involves wrapping the image around the stretcher for a seamless finish.

Stretched & Floating-Framed Canvas

Each print is custom stretched and framed at our Melbourne facility. Every piece is cut and assembled by hand, to ensure the highest quality finish.

The Australian Oak floating frame (also know as a box or shadow frame) is approximately 5.5 cm in depth. We have black and natural oak colors to choose from.  For other framing options please contact us for a quote.

floating frame canvas print

Shipping across Australia

Framed prints generally ship within 8-12 business days. 

Prints are packaged and shipped in durable cardboard packaging. We fully guarantee your print during the shipping process, so if it arrives in a less than acceptable condition, please don't hesitate to get in touch.